Ahner Eikaiwa

These offerings demonstrate your profound sincerity.

Art of Howard Ahner of Nobeoka
To mix other practices with this Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error.
Uncle Norman Tamura took us hunting many times in the California desert.
How do you see me in Nobeoka?
My Favorite Photo of Howard Ahner
I placed these various articles before the Lotus Sutra
What happiness! What happiness!
Sports in Nobeoka
Beehives in Nobeoka
Whether or not your prayer is answered depends upon your faith
Can it be that Shakyamuni Buddha or the Bodhisattvas of the Earth have entered into your body?
How admirable, that you have read the entirety of the Lotus Sutra with both body and mind!
There is no greater happiness than having faith in the Lotus Sutra.
301 N. Bewley Street, Santa Ana, California 92703 - From 1958 to 2008
We Met in Nobeoka
Howard Ahner's
you should singlemindedly chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo morning and evening, day and night
I can erase the grave offenses of my past and, for the first time, attain Buddhahood.
The character myo changes and becomes Shakyamuni Buddha seated on a lotus pedestal.
Ahner Eikaiwa Nobeoka - Tel: 0982-34-5666
However, you are increasingly demonstrating the depth of your faith and accumulating good deeds.
Maho No Te in Nobeoka
Sadowara Restaurant
And this is only the beginning: be convinced that your great reward is yet to come.
how wretched and meaningless it would be to fall victim to an epidemic or simply die of old age!
on the path of attaining Buddhahood, one is certain to meet some great trial that will demand of him
Ichiro Tamura
If master and disciple are not of the same mind, they cannot accomplish anything.
Rather it has come about as a response to the true words contained in the Lotus Sutra.
Be firmly convinced that the benefits from this offering will extend to your parents
A passage from the Lotus Sutra reads, "...difficult to believe and difficult to understand."
Tsukimaro must have chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with her very first cry at birth.
We common mortals can see neither our own eyebrows, which are so close, nor heaven in the distance.
"With easy labor they shall bear a fortune child."
Your own offerings were not made to me, Nichiren, but to the Lotus Sutra.
Nevertheless, I am an ordinary person dependent on other things for my existence.
When one comes to the end of his good fortune, no strategy whatsoever will avail.
The lion, king of beasts, is said to advance three steps, then gather himself to spring,
I can hardly find words to say how much I appreciate your sincerity
but never once did I die for the Lotus Sutra or suffer persecution for the daimoku.
Yet King Chou's army lost because of disunity
Seihou High
These offerings demonstrate your profound sincerity.
Doesn't a fire burn more briskly when logs are added?
Tientai construed the character myo [of Myoho-renge-kyo] to mean that which is beyond ordinary co
Some are swept away by the strong currents, some fall prey to eagles
Even those who are free from illness cannot escape the transience of life
But if we truly yearn for Shakyamuni Buddha, how could he ever fail to reveal himself to us?
This represents the two principles of object (kyo) and subject (chi), or reality and wisdom.
Another sutra passage says that children are a treasure.

Good Fortune in This Life


At the beginning of spring, I received your New Year's greetings from your messenger. I also send you my heartfelt best wishes. I have received your various gifts, including seventy rice cakes, a bamboo container of sake, a horseload of potatoes, one paper sack of dried seaweed, two bundles of radishes and seven yams. These offerings demonstrate your profound sincerity.


The eighth volume of the Lotus Sutra reads, "His wishes shall not be in vain, and he will receive his reward of good fortune in his present life." It also states, "Truly he will have manifest reward in his present life." The Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai says, "The Son of Heaven utters not a single word in vain," and "The words of the Dharma King contain no falsehood." A wise ruler will never lie, even if it should bring about his ruin. How much less would Shakyamuni Buddha ever speak falsely! When he was King Fumyo [in a previous existence], he returned to the palace of King Hanzoku [to be executed], because he upheld the precept against lying. When he met King Kali [in another past existence], he declared that those people who speak but little of the truth or who tell great lies will fall into hell. Moreover, the Lotus Sutra is the sutra in which the Buddha himself declares, "[The World-Honored One has long expounded his doctrines and] now must reveal the truth," and, in addition, it was expounded at the assembly where Taho Buddha and all the other Buddhas of the ten directions had gathered like the sun, the moon, and the countless stars all ranged side by side. If there should be any falsehood in the Lotus Sutra, what then can people believe in?


A person who offers even a flower or stick of incense to so splendid a sutra has served ten billion Buddhas in his previous existences. Moreover, in the Latter Day of the Law of Shakyamuni Buddha, when the world is in chaos and the ruler, his ministers and the common people all hate the votary of the Lotus Sutra with one accord, so that he must live like a fish in a small pond in a time of drought or a deer stalked by a throng of hunters, one who visits this votary will obtain far greater blessings than he would acquire by serving the living Shakyamuni Buddha with his mind, mouth and body for the space of an entire kalpa. All this is clear from the Buddha's golden words.


The sun is bright and the moon, luminous. The words of the Lotus Sutra are also bright and luminous, luminous and bright, like the reflection of a person's face in a polished mirror or the image of the moon on the surface of clear water. This being the case, could the Buddha's decree, "He will receive his reward of good fortune in his present life," or his edict, "Truly he will have manifest reward in his present life," possibly be false for you, Nanjo Shichiro Jiro, alone? The Buddha declared that even in an age when the sun should rise in the west or even in a time when the moon should emerge from the ground, his words would never prove false. Judging from this, there cannot be the least doubt that the spirit of your late father is now in the presence of Lord Shakyamuni, and that you yourself will receive great blessings in this life. How wonderful, how splendid!




The nineteenth day of the first month of the second year of Kenji (1276)






Howard Ahner
English Teacher



Maho No Te in Nobeoka

English Teacher

English Teacher, Howard Ahner, Tel: 0982-34-5666

English Teacher: Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666 ah
English Teacher: Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666 ah
English Teacher: Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666 ahner1@hotmail.com

English Teacher, Howard Ahner, Tel: 0982-34-5666
Old Places

English Teacher, Howard Ahner, Tel: 0982-34-5666
Nobeoka Talk

English Teacher, Howard Ahner, Tel: 0982-34-5666
Howard Ahner's Art Work

English Teacher, Howard Ahner, Tel: 0982-34-5666
We Met

Nobeoka English Teacher

Nobeoka English Teacher
Tsurugaoka Home
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Ahner Eikaiwa